The history that began 30 years ago, woven by many talented people into a uniquely diverse canvas of artistic and technological self-expression, continues to live in the minds and hearts of all those who in one way or another were and remain part of K-D LAB.
Ideologists, designers, engineers, gaming enthusiasts, players, who have been united by the gaming universes of Vangers and Perimeter for many years, have created a new organizational form - the Association for the Support of Independent Game Developers K-D LAB.
The mission of the Association is to use the accumulated experience and talents of the participants to support and develop independent game development in Russia and the world.
The history that began 30 years ago, woven by many talented people into a uniquely diverse canvas of artistic and technological self-expression, continues to live in the minds and hearts of all those who in one way or another were and remain part of K-D LAB.
Ideologists, designers, engineers, gaming enthusiasts, players, who have been united by the gaming universes of Vangers and Perimeter for many years, have created a new organizational form - Association for Support of Independent Game Developers K-D LAB.
The mission of the Association is to use the accumulated experience and talents of the participants to support and develop independent game development worldwide.

История начавшаяся 30 лет назад......

The history that began 30 years ago, woven by many talented people into a uniquely diverse canvas of artistic and technological self-expression, continues to live in the minds and hearts of all those who in one way or another were and remain part of K-D LAB.
Ideologists, designers, engineers, gaming enthusiasts, players, who have been united by the gaming universes of Vangers and Perimeter for many years, have created a new organizational form - Association for Support of Independent Game Developers K-D LAB.
The mission of the Association is to use the accumulated experience and talents of the participants to support and develop independent game development worldwide.
Association K-D LAB
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